Do you rent a house or apartment in the New Caney, Texas area? If so, Armstrong Insurance has renters insurance that can help give you peace of mind. Not everyone realizes that when they rent a home, their landlord’s homeowners insurance does not extend to the renter’s personal property or liability.
Buying a renters insurance policy could save you thousands of dollars or more if a calamity happens where you live.
Take for example a family who was renting an apartment in New Caney, Texas. Juan, his wife Giselle, and their two children woke up one morning to a flooded living room and bathroom. The upstairs neighbors had left their bathroom sink on, flooding both the upstairs and downstairs apartments. The water damage was quite extensive. One ceiling had partially collapsed, and Juan’s acoustic guitar collection that had been in the living room, as well as Giselle’s laptop and printer, were either ruined or damaged to the point of needing expensive repairs.
Juan had bought a renters insurance policy when they moved into their apartment, making sure that his guitars and their other belongings were sufficiently covered. One thing he hadn’t realized was that his renter’s insurance would also pay for his family’s stay at a local motel while repairs were made to the building. It even covered the extra food costs when the family needed to eat out, raising their weekly grocery bills.
On the other side of town, Blake rented a small house. He had recently adopted a medium-sized dog from a nearby shelter, making sure he had permission from his landlord. While entertaining some friends on a Friday night, Blake’s dog suddenly attacked and bit a young man who was looking for something to drink in the kitchen. The bite in his hand required surgery, thanks to a torn tendon. Unfortunately, Blake had never considered buying a renters insurance policy. He was surprised to find that he was required to pay for not only the surgery but also his friend’s lost wages due to the dog bite. If he had purchased renters insurance, the liability portion of his policy would have covered the costs he now faced out of pocket. As you can see, buying renters insurance, which is very affordable considering the alternative costs should a catastrophe hit, can be a real lifesaver. Here are a few of the ways renters insurance can keep you covered:
- Loss or damage to property due to theft, fire, storm, or vandalism
- Liability should you be at fault if another person is injured, including dog bites
- Displacement costs if your home is damaged to the extent that you are forced to move out temporarily.
If you have belongings that have a value above what your policy covers, you should talk to an agent about purchasing additional riders.
Armstrong Insurance has the coverage you need as a renter. Give us a call, and we can work together with you to find the right policy to fit your needs. With a good renters insurance policy, you can rest assured that your belongings are covered and your pocketbook is safe.